
There are many misconceptions about COVID-19 that need be addressed in order to prevent any misconceptions.

Misconception: Increased testing leads to more cases.

Increased testing does not lead to more COVID-19 cases. This is because there are the COVID-19 cases already present within the community but the testing only confirms the cases and keeps it on record.

Misconception: Only the weak can get COVID-19.

Anyone can get COVID-19. You may be an athlete and still contract COVID-19 and have long-lasting health issues. There have been documented cases of individuals struggling and dying even as an healthy athlete.

Misconception: Only the old can contract COVID-19.

Anyone of various age groups is able to contract COVID-19. Although the old are more affected by the effects of COVID-19 than a 30-40 year-old adult.

Misconceptions: COVID is not as bad as the flu.

COVID-19 may have different health effects varying from person to person. There are similarities between the two illnesses but COVID can have worse health effects than flu but it may also have lighter health effects at the same time. The range of effects is much wider than that of the flu.

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